Quality Gardens How-To: Maintenance
I find that there are always two types of customers exploring Quality Gardens in the spring. The customers that are incredibly knowledgeable, know exactly what they are looking for (or have a general idea), and require very little guidance on how to grow and care for their plants. Then there is the other 99% of us. We have no clue where to start and we don’t necessarily want to devote our lives to figuring it out (I included myself in this percentile most of the time). We want a pretty garden that doesn’t consume our whole life and that doesn’t take a master gardener to care for.
With this in mind, I have created a “Low Maintenance Perennial, Tree, and Shrub Guide” that can be your go-to when you just have no idea were to start. These plants will add color, beauty, and depth to your garden with the least possible maintenance and time commitment possible, making your garden the envy of all your neighbors. But, keeping in mind that low maintenance does not equal NOmaintenance, a little care in the form of deadheading, watering and general cleanup will be required.