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Happy Valentine’s Day!

Our greenhouse and retail store are open 10am – 5pm daily through the winter! It’s firmly indoor gardening season here in Western PA, but we also carry bird feeding supplies & seed, decorative pottery, gifts, and of course plenty of houseplants. We are fully stocked with flowering indoor favorites just in time for Valentine’s Day like Cyclamen, African Violets, Primrose, Bromeliads, Anthurium, and plenty of Orchids! The colder months can be a challenging time for keeping indoor plants happy and healthy, so don’t hesitate to stop by with any concerns or questions!

Join us for winter events in our event space, including an orchid basics class and more incoming.

Our shrubs, trees, and perennials have been tucked away for the winter season, but our knowledgeable nursery staff is still available to help you plan for spring. All of our trees and shrubs are well-suited to Western PA landscapes. We offer delivery and install, as well as full landscape design services.

In 2025, our Nursery Guarantee is Changing. To hopefully continue providing our customers with affordable plants for years to come, Quality Gardens will be adjusting our woody nursery guarantee on trees and shrubs going forward. The details are busy being ironed out, and we’ll keep you in the loop! Guarantees offered during the 2024 growing season will not be affected by any upcoming changes and will continue to be honored.

Color Your Summer

Quality Gardens greenhouses are stocked full with blooming annuals both in pots and hanging baskets. A huge array of plants for  shade and sun to choose from that will fill your planters with  color on your patio, deck, or porch.

Our staff is extremely knowledgeable and can help you pick and design your summer look. If you would rather not get your hands dirty let us do it all. Drop of your pots and let us design and plant them for you. All you have to do is pick them up!

4″ Proven Winner Annuals- $3.49
10″ Hanging Baskets- $15.99
12″ Combinations Hanging Baskets- $29.99
16″ Combination Hanging Baskets- $39.99
Bedding Annual Flats- $15.99 ea (32 plants per flat)


Blooming Hydrangeas

One of our favorite summer blooming shrubs is Hydrangeas.

You just cant beat the large showy blooms on so many of the varieties. Whether it is a Macrophylla (Mop-head or Lace-cap), Paniculata (pinnacle), Quercifolia (oak-leaf), or Arborescens (Annabelle); they each have something to offer to your landscape.

That being said, Debbie’s pick of the Hydrangeas this year are the Cityline Hydrangea Series. They were developed for the small yard in mind being that they only grow to be about 3 ft tall and 2-3ft wide. They come in an array of pinks and blues and feel free to play with your soil ph to change the colors even more.

Come on in and talk to Debbie or Sarah, our knowledgable nursery staff to help pick the best one for you.

Perennials, Trees and Shrubs

Quality Gardens How-To: Maintenance

I find that there are always two types of customers exploring Quality Gardens in the spring. The customers that are incredibly knowledgeable, know exactly what they are looking for (or have a general idea), and require very little guidance on how to grow and care for their plants. Then there is the other 99% of us.   We have no clue where to start and we don’t necessarily want to devote our lives to figuring it out (I included myself in this percentile most of the time). We want a pretty garden that doesn’t consume our whole life and that doesn’t take a master gardener to care for.

With this in mind, I have created a  “Low Maintenance Perennial, Tree, and Shrub Guide” that can be your go-to when you just have no idea were to start. These plants will add color, beauty, and depth to your garden with the least possible maintenance and time commitment possible, making your garden the envy of all your neighbors. But, keeping in mind that low maintenance does not equal NOmaintenance, a little care in the form of deadheading, watering and general cleanup will be required.